Thursday, 29 December 2011
And the results are
A tie between Late Withdrawal and Private Cheers. Well, I can live with a tie, and while I'm still surprised at some of the tales that did not get nominated I respect your choices.
Now, what guest story did you enjoy the most, hmm?
Thursday, 22 December 2011
If you will allow me...
Two stories for you - firstly, a tale of various home invasions, but what have they all to do with Pebbles? All is revealed inside...
Secondly, please welcome to KP Presents Amanda Lu, with a short tale called My Spoiled Birthday. I hope to hear more from this author in the months to come.
Which gives me the Chance to thank here Doctor George, Tull, GaggedJenny, Jim from Michigan, Golavus and all the other who have contributed stories during 2011. These have consistently been popular, and this site would be a lesser place without each and every one of you.
KP Presents will be taking our usual short break for the festive season, and will return on Friday 6th January with new stories. Until then, stay well, and remember a little of what you fancy is good for you, but a lot can only lead to trouble.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
The Twelve Days of Christmas
my masked man gave to me...
A diamond necklace for free!
On the second day of Christmas,
my masked man gave to me...
Two wrists all bound,
And a diamond necklace for free!
On the third day of Christmas,
my masked man gave to me...
Three taped mouths,
Two wrists all bound,
And a diamond necklace for free!
On the fourth day of Christmas,
my masked man gave to me...
Four trussed up girls,
Three taped mouths,
Two wrists all bound,
And a diamond necklace for free!
On the fifth day of Christmas,
my masked man gave to me...
Four trussed up girls,
Three taped mouths,
Two wrists all bound,
And a diamond necklace for free!
On the sixth day of Christmas,
my masked man gave to me...
Six rope ties holding,
Four trussed up girls,
Three taped mouths,
Two wrists all bound,
And a diamond necklace for free!
On the seventh day of Christmas,
my masked man gave to me...
Seven scarves a-stuffing,
Six rope ties holding,
Four trussed up girls,
Three taped mouths,
Two wrists all bound,
And a diamond necklace for free!
On the eighth day of Christmas,
my masked man gave to me...
Eight rope bras tightening,
Seven scarves a-stuffing,
Six rope ties holding,
Four trussed up girls,
Three taped mouths,
Two wrists all bound,
And a diamond necklace for free!
On the ninth day of Christmas,
my masked man gave to me...
Nine tape rolls tearing,
Eight rope bras tightening,
Seven scarves a-stuffing,
Six rope ties holding,
Four trussed up girls,
Three taped mouths,
Two wrists all bound,
And a diamond necklace for free!
On the tenth day of Christmas,
my masked man gave to me...
Ten alarm bells ringing,
Nine tape rolls tearing,
Eight rope bras tightening,
Seven scarves a-stuffing,
Six rope ties holding,
Four trussed up girls,
Three taped mouths,
Two wrists all bound,
And a diamond necklace for free!
On the eleventh day of Christmas,
my masked man gave to me...
Eleven maidens squirming,
Ten alarm bells ringing,
Nine tape rolls tearing,
Eight rope bras tightening,
Seven scarves a-stuffing,
Six rope ties holding,
Four trussed up girls,
Three taped mouths,
Two wrists all bound,
And a diamond necklace for free!
Sunday, 18 December 2011
All right...
Having said that, I hope you will enjoy the two tales here now. First up is a new Chase File story, relating the tale of a small town bank manager who has an unwanted visitor on the local holiday known as Pumpkin Day. As usual, we have accompanying photos, and as always with Chase be advised it is most definitely for adults only.
Second up, and on a completely different scale, welcome back Heidi and her family.friends in the tale of Heidi's Smashing Saturday.
Join us on Thursday for a pre-Christmas update.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Christmas is coming
So today - I got a request from Davey of Davey's stories to write a story involving a quartet of girls, and two science teachers, to be Seized from School and taken to a far land. Davey has given a lot of input into this tale, and I hope you like it.
Oh - and for those who liked Cruise to Terror, see if you can find the Easter Egg.
Easter Eggs at Christmas? This is a time of year for snow, for carols, for shouting It's CHRISTMAS!!! Mind you, in the Holiday Hostages tale set in 1973, the four staff members at Clydeside Bank may not have much to shout about...
And talking of the WABAC Machine - we pay a welcome visit to Bartholomew Judas Rhymaes and his gentleman's gentleman, Jayes, as they consider the strange case of Jayes and the Mummy Problem. Some very special guest stars here as well....
Coming Monday, God willing - Heidi and a new Chase File...
Monday, 12 December 2011
Vote now
You have two weeks, and then I will open the poll for best contributed story...
Friday, 9 December 2011
Ladies at Leisure
The Festive season is upon us, so many of us are quite naturally involved in Wrapping Things Up - presents, gifts, and for these two men four housemates...
Finally, in a new tale from JennyGagged we learn the truth behind the activities of The School Photographer.
Oh - why not enjoy one of my early tales of December, called The Christmas Fairy.
Next week, god willing - schoolgirls in trouble, a bank robbery and Jayes...
Monday, 5 December 2011
Another month passed
Well, it would appear we got back on track in November, with 7,096 visits to view 33,465 pages by 4,001 people – another 10% increase on the previous month. If you visited for the first time last month, welcome, and I hope you stick around.
We had global visitors, as always, from Trinidad and Tobago to Chile, and from Azerbaijan to Iceland. Still nobody from my home town, or from Montana in the Us, but a very gratifying increase from Canada.
Now, as always, the search terms proved most – illuminating. See what you think...
Stories of women being bound and gagged by masked women robbers – Turning The Tables
Gagged denim jacket “buttoned up” – Lunch with George
WPC gagged with her panties – The Thrice-Captured Constable
Boss handkerchief gagged – No More Lies
She sighed and put her feet together so I could tie them – Hotter than my Daughter
“head away” “smelly cloth” – The Kidnapped Sheriff Affair
Ashlee Audrey tied up – A Friendly Wager
Bound gagged microskirt – Racing Collection
Kidnapped by older woman in leather – Mother’s Day
Raped pantyhose “get on your knees” – DIY
Sister gagged bound captured – The Dumb Goons
Wetsuit babes in peril – The Captive’s Real Trouble
Now then, in terms of number of times the page was viewed, the top stories in November were:-
Midnight Caller
Forced to Play The Game by Rayron D’Olier
The Felony at Flitwick Hall by Tull
No Witnesses by JennyGagged
The Five Marys
Remember Them by KP and Doctor George
Black Friday
Interview to a Kidnapping
Sara’s Internship by Golavus
In Dad’s Footsteps
The St Monica’s Ladies Day Out
The St Monica’s Ladies Circle.
As always, however, if we look at average time spent on the page the results are slightly different...
The Return Home
Seventies Bound 6
Appraisal part 2
The Rare Stamp
Moving Day
Party Politics
Interview to a Kidnapping
Ladies in Red
Heidi and the Halloween Party
Remember Them
Bad Deal by Mordaca
Home From The Mall
So, this month – just wait and see...
Friday, 2 December 2011
Guest Week
Anyway, here are the two tales I promised this week. From Doctor George, we have the tale of the night Soo stayed at Coco's house in a snowstorm, and how having Welsh Rarebit affected her. It proves an enlightening experience...
Also, from Tull, the story of Kidnapped Rita Meter Maid - a sequel to No Parking, and a good ripping yarn.
Hopefully, I'll be back to normal next week. Until then, however, I'm after your nominations for the best story to appear at KP Presents in 2011 - by myself and by the other authors. You can add the nominations as comments to this, or send them to me at - either way, let me have them and we will put them to the public vote.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Bondage Channel Kowasky
That has happened to this site before so (a) I suspect Kowasky knows, and (b) it may be a difficult thing to fix. When they hit me, I had to delete the infected page and reload it, but my site is ridiculously simple - his is not.
If I hear more, I'll post here. For now, I can only pray it can be fixed quickly.
Friday, 25 November 2011
If A Picture Paints A Thousand Words

For my third story today - well, I heard a certain song on the radio last week, and it just would not get out of my head, as it inspired the tale of one woman who said in her story And Then He Kissed Me.
One more tale I want you to be pointed to today - No Parking. Why? Because next week we will have the sequel, penned by Tull, as well as a new and rather different tale of Coco and Soo, and maybe something from me.
Until then, I remain,
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Finally, for this week.
I also have a tale of The Five Marys for you, as five women are kidnapped for some reason. Why? Read the tale and find out.
Finally, as it is Thanksgiving next week, I draw your attention to a seasonal tale called Thanksgiving Turkey from the archives.
Normal service, or what passes for it around here, will be resumed next Friday.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Favourite Stories
In return, you can read the next part of Project: Dottie - one more part to go on this, I think, and then the next time you see Dottie it will be with a very special guest star...
Also, I offer for your consideration a short Relative Perils story called The Warmdown - you will see why when you read it.
Back Thursday with a couple more stories.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
A Special Announcement

Today, I offer one new story, but it is both timely and long planned. Allow me to explain.
Popular to some belief, KP Presents does plan out a schedule of stories. Back in January, for example, Doctor George and I discussed the stories that have appeared around Soo and Coco, and how they could fit in with other plans I had, including an idea I had for a story with Ginger Cavanuagh. At this point, a light bulb went off in both our heads.
From that point, and the realisation of when Armistice Day was. we planned and prepared, and the result is the story you read today, called Remember Them. It's a co-effort by myself and Doctor George, with input from Ed Overton, and is a slightly different tale from the norm with a message for all of us. I offer it as a smal tirbute to those who paid the supreme sacrifice.
Why today? Because we do need to remember and pay tribute. I'm an Army Brat, whose father saw service in the European theatre of war, including going over on D-Day+1, Arnhem and liberating a camp of some small infamy. Other members of my family have served their country, and although for good reasons I chose not to I still honour them and all others who have seen war for our freedoms.
At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year, take two minutes and pay silent tribute.
Next update Monday, Thank you for listening
Friday, 4 November 2011
The Midnight Caller
With that in mind, read the story, especially the form he uses, and if you want to suggest a possible candidate for a visit let me know. His preference is for mature women in a stable relationship, who dress well and have a good background. You will get the idea from the story - let's see if any ideas come forward.
What else do we have today? A couple of years ago, I wrote the story of the day The Gentlemen Robbers encountered The St Monica's Ladies Circle. Today we offer a sequel to this tale, called The St Monica's Ladies Day Out - a day I'm sure they will remember for some time to come.
We also return, after a break to the story of Portrait of a Lady, as Madame X gets her revenge on Master.
Finally, welcome back please Golavus with a new tale of Sara Phillips, entitled Sara's Internship.
I leave you with two words that will be explained next week - Remember Them.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
The nights are drawing in...
The clocks went back in the UK this week, and suddenly it feels as if Autumn is here and Winter is just around the corner. Even as I type this, however, I’m aware of what has happened on the Eastern seaboard in the US – not a nice thing at all.
So October has been and gone – what happened at KP Presents this month? Well, we had 6,627 visits from 3,845 visitors – an increase on September of just over 2%. Not to be sniffed at, that. Those visitors viewed a total of 31,852 pages, and I hope they all found something to amuse them on at least one of the pages.
So where did they all come from? As always, a plethora of countries, but a special shout out to New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Luxembourg, Japan, Ghana and the incredibly popular “Not Known as the tracking software can’t find out.” Looking at the UK, still no closer to my home town (hint – at least two of my stories make direct reference to it), while in the US we got every state except Alaska, Wyoming and – South Dakota. If I was a vulnerable person, I’d begin to worry they did not like me there...
As usual, the referring sites threw up an interesting mix, although I’d still love to know how I get referred to from financial sites. Ah, but what of the search terms? Let’s look at some of my favourites this month and where they led...
The ropes pulled up her skirt and pressed against her pantyhose – In Dad’s Footsteps
Denise scarf bound – Abigail’s Secret
Mmmppphh – Sorority Rites part 2
Gagged by kidnapper – Forced to Play The Game
Handgagged mom daughter – Sunday Best
Stocking masked woman – Ladies in Red
Both legs pushed into one leg of the tights – Moving Day
Bound gagged grunt – Danger: Dominique!
Lying hands tied behind gagged with her own panties – The Drama Queen Takes A Detour
Remove+bra+robbery – No Witnesses
Shop bound gagged tricked – McKenzie and Marks in Underground in Austria, Chapter 10
Young girls screaming into her gag struggling – Bouncing Baby
So, to the final countdown – and in terms of page hits, the top 12 stories this month are: -
- Ball Tied
- Private Cheers
- Appraisal Part 1
- Wedding Day Blues
- Indecent Proposal Chapter 5
- Going Solo by Doctor George
- A House Haunted by Cops by Mordaca
- Brat Camp 2 by JennyGagged
- Hunting for the SNARK
- Perils of Snooping by Rayron D’Olier
- Cat on the Prowl
- Tales from a Small Town part 1
If we look at time spent on the page, however, the top stories are...
- Rough Diamond part 3 by Gillian B
- St George’s Day
- Incidents After a Way Too Successful Job by Mordaca
- The Black Wolf’s Land Excuse by Mordaca
- Elder Cats
- Queenie and the Boxer part 2 by Gillian B
- Indecent Proposal part 2
- Rude Awakening by Mordaca
- The Inconvenient Witness by Mordaca
- Jayes and the Masked Marvel
- Flora MacKenzie to the Rescue by Gillian B
- The Ties That Bind by Mordaca
So what to expect this month? More from Chase and Dottie... A very special tale from Doctor George and myself... We return to Portrait of a Lady... the St Monica’s Ladies Circle face another unexpected crisis... and the usual nonsense. Stay tuned until then - and I'll add the links to the stories identifed by search terms later...
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Tis the season to be spooky
First, and as long promised, we present Changelings, a sequel to the story of two years ago as Veronica visits a local Lady of the manor, and discovers others have had similar experiences to her - including some surprising people.
Secondly, how about a tale of a girl, tied to a chair, waiting for the kids to come and see her, when the smell of Magnolia fills the air.
Finally for new tales, a decidedly non-Halloween tale, unless you count the fact the Parker Girls are dressing up as in theme. If so, then part 2 of Appraisal is for you.
Do feel free to look for other seasonal tales at the site, but this is all from em for now, so until next week, I remain
Friday, 21 October 2011

I have a couple of short tales and a longer contribution for you today. Oh, the lady on the left? She need not concern you right now - come back next week to see how she is involved in Changelings...
First up, we make a long overdue trip into the Sporting Life arena, with a tale called Ball Tied.
Then we find The Whisperer calling in at a very happy occasion - for some, in a story called Wedding Day Blues.
Finally, JennyGagged offers a sequel to a tale first published here a year ago, called Brat Camp II
For another old seasonal story, may I suggest a small Ghost Story?
Next week - tales of ghosts, spirits and dark nights. You have been warned...
Friday, 14 October 2011
Soo's Education continues

Now, on DeviantArt I was asked by Keldo to write a story of Cheerleaders in peril. The result was Private Cheers, which you can read here.
Elsewhere, the Parker Girls have been busy, facing an Appraisal - part 1 today, part 2 to come.
Check out the links section for a few new links to story sites you might like.
Finally, another glimpse of what may appear in the sequel to Changeling, as we re-visit another tale called NightWatch.
More next week,
Saturday, 8 October 2011
I need to thank Captain Kidnap
Which one? Tried and True Tales, lovingly being restored by Gromet of Gromet's Plaza. He has a lot still to bring back, but it's good to see Mason's work returning. Drop by and pay them a visit.
Friday, 7 October 2011
For Susan, the weekend is almost over

As promised, we also have a new tale from Mordaca, as he explains why there is A House Haunted By Cops.
Finally for the new stories, we have some more memories from John Jacobs as he remembers being a Cat On The Prowl.
Halloween is coming soon, and so are some stories for the season. As promised, a sequel to Changeling is on the way, in which this photo on the left will play a part. For now, try one of my earlier seasonal tales with three quiet ladies, called Wiccan Woes.
Finally, I've added a new link to the Stories section of the Links page, to a blog called David's Tales. Enjoy.
More next week.
Monday, 3 October 2011
Now that the decorators have gone...
I decided it was time the blog got a bit of a facelift – let me know what you think.
Anyway, September has now been and gone, with a slight drop in the number of visits – 6,292 visits by 3,633 people, viewing 30,884 pages. I don’t mind a little drop, but I think the time is right to try the “tell a friend” campaign. I challenge each and every one of you reading this to tell a friend about the site, and invite them to drop by. I’ll try and make them welcome.
What is encouraging is 50% were “new” visitors – from countries such as Colombia, Ghana, Japan and Singapore. What’s interesting when I look at the UK visitors is that we are getting closer and closer still to my own home town – in fact, the closest place is only three miles away! One day, I will see that name, and then the fun may begin. Meanwhile, in the US only South Dakota (again!) and Wyoming prove immutable to our small offerings...
The referring sites prove interesting as always - particularly the Indian based financial advice site which somehow pointed here. At any rate, amongst the choice search terms this month were such diverse offerings as: -
Slave caravan collar – Slave Caravan
The two women were stripped and tied back to back in their bras and panties – Hunting for the SNARK
Bank staff bound and gagged by robbers – Early Opening
He undone the WPC’s blouse – A Walk In The Park
Double ball gag usage – Hippie Chix
“jacket” “over her bound arms” – A Debt Repaid and A War Declared
Coc Colette “rubber gloves” – Daylight Robbery
Kpp presents hairdresser – The Seven Stages of Highly Effective Robbery
Removing her heels – Dottie’s Arabian Nightmare
Schoolgirls tied up in robberies – A Week of Living Dangerously
Tied helpless her touch – Perils of Snooping
Tied wrists crossed videos - Mythbusters
So, what was the most popular story in September? Well in terms of total hits, we have...
- Heidi and Mother’s Day
- Marching to A Different Drum
- The Bank Manager’s Wife
- When a Hero Comes Along
- The Step Mum From Hell by Jenny Gagged
- Cruise to Terror
- Indecent Proposal Chapter 4
- Project: Dottie Chapter 2
- No Witnesses by JennyGagged
- A Wellness Day by Rayron D’Olier
- Fat Chance by Doctor George
- No More Lies
As always, however, the time spent on the page on average tells a different story...
- Elder Cats
- Stone Cold Certainty
- A Walk in The Park by Tull
- Bastille Day
- A Small Delay in Our Plans For The Weekend by Mordaca
- A Friendly Rivalry by Rayron D’Olier
- Flora MacKenzie to The Rescue by GillianB
- Cupid and The Cat
- Heidi and the Halloween Party
- The Swimming Pool by Mordaca
I add one codicil to this – visitors from China did translate a few pages, such as The Ladies in Black, Hardball or Saturday Morning Sparkle. These need to be considered separately, as the translation takes some time.
So, October, which can mean only one thing – Ghost Stories. You can look forward to the return of the Changeling, the next stage in Soo’s training, what happened when Barty Rhymaes and Jayes visited Alexandria, as well as other tales both seasonal and none – including the final part of Indecent Proposal.
Good Reading.