Friday 15 July 2011

You never know

which stories are going to prove popular here. It's always the ones I'm never quite sure about that seem to be the best received. Here's an example - at my DeviantArt page, I get a respectable number of hits, but not that many in comparison to others. This week, that rocketed - and all because I posted the first part of a story called The Three Ages of Gwen. This is my first attempt at a FanFic - see what you think. Legal note time - all characters in this story are (C) Cartoon Network.

It's also been a while since I did a Challenge style photo story, so this week you can read a tale set In The Country. All photos are (C) their respective sites. Another story you might like inspired by a photo set is Cath's Caff...

Finally, welcome back JennyGagged with a timely story called Game, Set and Match.

Quick word to all contributors - the site will be taking a two week break from updates in August, so if you have any stories ready get them to me by the end of July.

More, as always, next week.


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