Friday 19 April 2013

The Lady Returns

What lady, I hear you say?  Why, Ginger Cavanuagh of course, courtesy of Ed Overton (and welcome back to Ed as well) in a tale involving Rest and Relaxation.


Meanwhile, a group of women are gathering for coffee and chat, but the coffee is still in the pot, and the chat is silenced by gags, as they await the Guest of Honour.

Next up - over at deviantArt over the last three weeks, I have been running an idea where I post a couple of pages of a story, then run a poll to see what happens next.  Did it work?  Judge for yourself as you read As Time Goes By.

Finally for today, a new link has been added to our collection.  We're proud to therefore point your way to the home of Deanna and Tracey, the Snowden Snoops and many. many others at Girl Detectives in Trouble!

More next week, God Willing, but until then stay safe, and I remain,


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