Friday, 25 February 2011
Looking forward
First off, a one off tale in the Chase files called In Dad's Footsteps. As always, be warned tales in this section are 18/R - especially in this case.
We also offer the next chapter of Portrait Of A Lady - see if you can see what past tales tie into Madame X's story at this point.
From JennyGagged, we offer the sequel to one of her tales in No Witnesses.
Finally, may I attract your attention to the Links section, where I'm adding links to five groups in the Yahoo community you may like to visit.
More, as always, next week.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Something to think over
The Irish in Her
Coleen sat perfectly still, unsure of what else she could do to try and raise the alarm. Outside, she could hear the sound of the bands as the parade went down the street outside her window, but she had no way of shouting above the music. The green bandana that had been so carefully stuffed into her mouth prevented that, as did the clear tape covering her lips.
In desperation, she saw the shillelagh that lay on the floor where the intruder had knocked it off the wall, the closed window a target in her sights as she grasped it.
Ella and Sam looked at each other, Ella's eyes raised as the two men ransacked the room. Both were bound and tape gagged, and were hoping against hope the men would go before Cathy came in. They could hear thumping from a room, but thought that was the third man searching their bedroom.
"Waiting for your friend are you?" they heard him say, and looked round to see him standing in the doorway. "Hoping we'll go and she can rescue you?" He smiled as he motioned to one of the others. "Help me to carry her in," he said.
Return to the Cat-Walk.
She looked like Twiggy – hair straight and tight on her scalp, then falling in ringlets around her face. A patchwork brown short sleeved top, and brown suede hot pants so tight the only movement in them was that of her bottom. Knee length brown suede boots enclosing her legs like skin tight socks.
As I pulled her wrists through the back of the chair and started to tie them together, however, she must have wished she was Twiggy – then she would have been in New York, not her flat as I robbed her. She said nothing as she sat there.
Jayes and the Sure Thing
"If I may remark, Sir, I would not invest in Billy Bob – the going is not conducive to his temperament."
I looked at the tall cove and nodded. When it came to the racing fraternity, Jayes had what you might call the "ear of the expert". "Very well, Jayes," I said with a light flourish, "I will take your advice. Now prepare the outfit for the Derby Ball."
"Which outfit would that be, Sir?"
"Both of them, Jayes," I said as I looked at my trusty man, "Both of them." He nodded as he turned, gliding out as he does.
The Return Home
"What happened? We lost touch with you in 1942 – and now here you are? We thought you were dead."
"You were meant to believe that, Andrea, and I am truly, truly sorry that this has happened. I had a mission to perform, and now there are those who may wish to ask me why I did not do it. Please forgive me for this."
"You don't have to do this, Andrea, I mpphgfggh." Mary shook her head to try and force the rolled up headscarf from her mouth, but Andrea was too strong. Mary could only stare as she left.
CJ was struggling like mad as the masked man placed her in a hogtie. "You should learn to know that when a shop is shut, it's shut," he said as his female companion emptied the tills into a small bag. CJ had only come in for a can of coke and a pack of chewing gum, and now she had two dilemmas.
First, how could she free herself and the two female assistants, and raise the alarm with the police?
Second, how could she stop her friends from walking into the same trap?
That, and there was no gum left.
Read, consider, then vote in the poll as to which one intrigues you the most. I'll take it from there.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Girls, Girls, Girls
On my DeviantArt page, I ran a series of polls to see what the ideal damsel in distress would be dressed and bound in. The results came in... Blouse... Knee length skirt... Heels or knee length boots... Stockings... Plenty of rope... panties and scarf gag or stuffed and taped. As someone pointed out, it sounded like a job for Bhowani. Instead, Tara and Lucinda volunteered to take part in The Dating Game.
Meanwhile, in the Chase Files section, poor Anne finds that work is no safer than home in the first part of Bargaining Chip. As always, we have photos, and as always note these are used with the full permission of ChaseBound.
Finally, we continue the story of The Netterton Jewels, with grateful thanks to Doctor George for his assistance. This is sort of an interlude, as plans are laid, but it does set up the next part, so enjoy.
Finally for today, we've added two more links that you may wish to peruse. Don't forget - if you have a site and wish to exchange links, or want to point me to one which may be of interest to others here, get in touch - the address is on the front page.
Next week - just wait and see....
Thursday, 17 February 2011
First for this week
Tomorrow - Chase... the Netterton Jewels... and a couple of old friends.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Just so you know
Friday, 11 February 2011
Love is in the air...
For example, we like to treat our partners on the 14th of February and surprise them. Normally, a bunch of flowers and a nice dinner are a good start. For some, however, you need to go that extra mile, as we see in The St Valentine's Day Kidnapping.
On the other hand, it may be you spend a wonderful evening with your partner, and it is what happens after that is unexpected. Just ask the lady who discovered what happened when A Gentleman Called...
Sometimes the two go together -as illustrated in Valentines Visits, our past tale this week.
Of course, having concern for our significant others should take place year round - a story from Mordaca to illustrate this, called Transactions.
Have a great week, and join us again next Friday.
Friday, 4 February 2011
The things that we watch

Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Sick and tired, you’ve been hanging on me,
You make me sad with your eyes
You're telling me lies
Don't go, don't go
So another month passes in our world, and it’s time to see what the popular areas were for January 2011.
There were a total of 3,674 visits to the site, with a grand total of 17,569 page views. Those visits were by 2,160 people – over half of whom were new visitors. We especially welcome people from Qatar, the Isle of Man and Malta, but there is good news – our long quest for a visitor from Alaska is over, so a big hi there to Homer, Alaska.
Oh, and if anyone can find how they managed to link from to this site, let me know, please?
Search terms? We have search terms...
Stringent hogtie - The Dancer and The DA's Night at the Cemetary
Girls hands tied tightly behind backs orange suit jacket - Early Opening
Bank robbery gagged teller - Business as Usual
Tied up gagged stockings heels mother son - House Call
Foam stuffed in her mouth - Ladies In Red
Bound and gagged grandmother story - Your Granny Should Know
Both girls were tied back to back in their bra and panties - Take Three Girls
Scarf mouth knotted - Time for Tea
The kidnappers bound her wrists and ankles - Replaced
Thin cord binding her tightly - Protector
So, without further ado, the 10 most popular stories in terms of hits were: -
- The Hostage Weekend part 3
- Leah’s Nightmare Weekend by JennyGagged
- The Campus Kidnappers by JennyGagged
- The Drama Queen Takes A Detour by Tull
- Quality Time
- Supermarket Sweep
- Manners Maketh The Man
- Just Another Day
- Return Visit by Doctor George
- Sorority Rites, part 2 by Jim from Michigan
While, in terms of average time on the page, the list is
- MacKenzie and Marks Undercover in Austria part 3 by Gillian B
- MacKenzie and Marks Undercover in Austria part 7 by Gillian B
- The Eyes Have It
- The Captive’s Real Trouble by Mordaca
- Waiting for Janet
- Flora MacKenzie’s First Case part 3 by Gillian B
- The Worm That Turned
- MacKenzie and Marks Undercover in Austria part 4 by Gillian B
- Tell Me On A Sunday
- Elder Cats
Oh, and by the way – the hands down, takes all comers most popular story of 2010? This one.
See you all on Friday