Monday 8 November 2010

And the Serious

Every year, at this time, I invite those who visit KP Presents to take a few moments, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, and stop to give thanks.

I come from an army background - my father was a career soldier, who signed up in 1942 and fought his way up through the European theatre. He saw things and sites no man should ever have to see, and took many of them to the grave. Some I know - for example, the fact he was in the company that found a wooden stockade hidden in the woods near a town called Belsen. Some I don't - I do know he refused to watch the American TV mini series, Holocaust, because he felt it diluted the truth. He also fought in Burma, and served for over twenty years before retiring. I have over family members who have served or are serving, and even though I walk a different path I know this.

It is through the sacrifice of many men and women, some like my father who survived and others who did not, that we have the freedom to do what we do without fear of persecution in our world. There are many - some of whom may be reading this - who still live under such fear, and they deserve the right to the same freedom. You may disagree with the reasons for wars - and lord knows I do - but the sacrifice of those who died to allow us to disagree should never be forgotten. Today, they still risk all, and lose much if not all, to preserve that freedom.

So, at 11 am on Thursday, stop for two minutes and give thanks. It is a small, inadequate way of paying these people back, but it is what we have, and I for one will do so with respect and gratitude.

Thank you for listening.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said! And yes we all need to acknowledge the sacrifices that such bravehearts made to give us the freedom to pursue our dreams. I salute all such soldiers across the world who gave their all so that we can live under a free nation.....
