Friday 22 March 2013

Good Morning

Here is the news

ITEM!  Our reporters tell the true story of what happened over a fortnight last May, when a group of women were visited by two masked men Two by Two - along with pictures from the scene!

ITEM!  Some time ago our correspondent Tull reported on The Felony at Flintwick Hall.  He now tells of another incident at the museum, and another attack on the curator, which speaks of Fast Time at Flintwick Hall!

ITEM!  Our youth correspondent, Amanda Lu, has a report which she has entitled The Tomboy!

ITEM!  We are getting reports of an incident in the centre of town, involving two hot cross bunnies.  Local emergency services have been seen carrying Bunnies in Blankets!

And now, a word from our sponsors - No. 1 Bondage Magazine is a weekly publication, sharing new pictures, drawings and stories with the discerning reader.  If you are interested in receiving this august journal, then contact  Bondage Magazine <> to ask for further details.

Now, back to the news...

ITEM!  The owner of the well known site, KP Presents, has announced that he has extended the lease for another year, and he looks forward to continuing to supply the reading needs of his clients!

ITEM!  He also announced plans to consult on a proposed expansion, and is going to open two new named wings.  He has invited clients to share their views on the naming of, and contents of, the two new wings!

And now, here's Carrie, with the weather.  Carrie?

Well, I guess we should take our brollies.  Join us at ten for the late news - have a pleasant night...

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