Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Welcome to Christmas 2024!

 Okay.  Let me admit it - this has been not the greatest year I've ever had, but here we are, so first of all, be it Chanukah, Festivius, Solstice, Kwanzaa, Christmas or whatever you call this time of year, let me offer my prayers that you get every blessing for the season, and wish you a very happy New Year.

So what do we have?  First, how about a visit that was Worth The Trouble...

Five tales of Modest Maidens...

The story of the Ho Ho Holdup...

Their Coffee Time had an unexpected Guest - the man known as Hell...

The Games Players pay two visits - one linked to the Festival of Light, and one involving a Silent Night...

And speaking of Silent Nights - here is my collection of Vignettes for 2024...

Let us listen to what Simon Says...

And finally, a Seasonal Croonford Detectives story...

A word before I finish - it's a year since I was - removed from deviantArt, and I do miss posting there.   This week, it looks as if the TUG Forum has also been shut down - if any of the admins read this, accept my good wishes.  I posted a while back I was worried for sites like this one next year - that fear grows.

So, I will see you in 2025, as always God willing - but until then, I remain,


Friday, 29 November 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!

 It may be a day late, but see how UBS handle a Thanksgiving request...

I mentioned last week I was going (with the help hopefully of Jennifer) to do some more Pussycat Gang stories - but to do that, i need to show you the full versions of Christmas Time and Whatever Happened To...

The Gentlemen Robbers demonstrate The Calm Approach that works for them, as well as facilitating A Conversation in Time...

The Games Players pay two visit - one with Lap Seats and one where the family plays Dress Up...

Beauty and the Best visit families where the Grannies are in charge...

Jay Edwards visits the Castle...

What happens when you Take Three GILFs...

Being in a wheelchair is No Barrier to this intruder treating you as he would anyone else...

I will be back, as alwys God Willing, on the 13th of December.  Until then, I remain,


Monday, 11 November 2024

A word to my readers.



First, I know this is late - again - blame a couple of weeks in my real-world life I could have done without, followed by my annual battle with a throat infection.


However. There have been some monumental shifts in the real world this last fortnight as well.  I rarely if ever get into politics here, and when I do it is the context of my stories, but it is impossible not to recognise we may be heading into a very different world in terms of story sites like mine – and that thought, quite frankly, scares me.


For example – The Pussycat Gang.  I struggled with Jennifer to write stories for a few years, and part of that was the then current and now future president, and how it made it difficult to picture how they would work in that world.  We had just about broken that and were getting new stories together – and now, we face that challenge again.


Don’t get me wrong – there are stories I want to tell of them, of wedding and other matters, but I need to find that voice.  I do, also, have to consider how I can make my stories available in other ways.  So I am saying, now, that if I can get Lulu to behave itself I am going back to some of the earliest e-books I published – The Heidi and An Education books – and editing them, correcting some of the details and also adding some stories that never made it into the collections – and when they are ready, I will put them on my Lulu store and let you know.  Same for The Pussycat Gang – there are some details in the earlier books that need updating.


I’m also going to look at doing more collections of my other stories – The Games Player, updating the Jay Edwards book, and others.  If that site ends up a casualty of any changes that may come, then I am prepared.


But that will take time – for now, let us press on with some newer stories…


Such as when the Games Player enjoys a Sunday afternoon...

An edition of In Their Own Words

A memory of How I Spent My Weekend

What happens when Hell descends on another family…

Two men in black call at the same time as Grandma

A late Halloween tale of the Night of the Witch Hunters

As always this year, I invite you to Tead a classic story and to Remember Them...

And a new Croonford Detectives Case


I should back, God Willing, at around the 23rd of November.  Until then, I remain,



Sunday, 20 October 2024

Visiting Old Friends

 For example, we have a double bill with the Games Players - one involving a Sunday Afternoon meeting, and one demanding Honesty...

We also have two visits with Mister Tall and Mister Small - one where they brong some Sunshine to two women, and one where they are truly Gentlemen Callers...

Hell comes to visit the boys...

Beauty and the Best visit a Country House...

Spend some time in the Coffee Cellar...

The Selfie Snatcher has fun at the Manor...

Objects of Beauty are faced with the problem of Loose Lips...

And finally, the China Doll Gang don't say Like Daughters, Like Mothers...

I will be back, God Willing, around about the 2nd of November.  Until then, I remain, 


Friday, 11 October 2024

Bonding Together

 In various ways and forms.

For example, Jay Edwards and his friends help with an impromptu Slumber Party...

Beauty and the Best call on Christyne and her grandchildren...

One girl remembers How I Spent My Weekend...

The Gentlemen Robbers have to Care for the Children...

Some Mother and Son Moments...

The Games Player shows that Boys Will Be Boys...

Adam and Eve assist in a special Awakening...

And the latest Croonford Detectives case...

I will be back, as always God Willing, next Friday.  Until then, I remain,


Friday, 20 September 2024

Facing the future

 We start with the night Jay Edwards and Mrs McPhee orgainzed a Home Visit...

Beauty and the Best spend time with Friends...

We meet some Happy Families...

And some families in Leather...

Spend time with Captive Christyne...

A Babysitter meets a Games Player...

A new episode of In Their Own Words...

And the 40th case for the Croonford Detectives...

I will be back, God Willing, on or around the 4th of October.  Until then, I remain,


Friday, 6 September 2024

Cool Weather, New Stories

 I will be honest, oen of the issues I have is if it is really hot, I cannot write.  So as things cool down, let's see what I can do...

What did The Janitor do...

Why does he call himself Hell...

Jay Edwards visits the Jackson family...

For these men, It's Only Business...

Beauty and the Best do some Babysitting...

Two women have an Afternoon to Remember for all the wrong reasons...

Three girls discover that Dreams Do Come True...

And the latest Croonford Detectives case...

I will be back, as always God Willing, around the 20th.  Until then, I remain, 


Friday, 23 August 2024

Together again for the first time

 Let me offer a thought for the day - a combination of Writer's Block, working a month of 70 hours weeks and then been told you are being let go and having to go on Gardening Leave, then finding a new job - not conducive to producing stories.

That, however. is the past  - hello, this is KP here, with some new stories.

Including a delayed Croonford Detectives Case from Amanda Lu...

The story of the Cougar and the Cub...

The Gentlemen Robbers offer some Together Time...

Adam and Eve spend the weekend with two sisters...

Beauty and the Best are Home Bound...

A late celebration of Fathers Day...

The Games Player has a Go-Go Time...

I am going to try to get back to a fortnightly schedule now, as always God Willing.  For Now, I remain.


Thursday, 18 July 2024

Where have i been?

 My apologies to all who have been expecting new stories - every few years, life throws me a few curve balls in succession, and it has been that season again.  I am just beginning to emerge, so please bear with me a little logner  new stories are on the way...

Sunday, 2 June 2024

June is busting out all over

The thing about being a writer in your spare time is, if your main job gets busy, spare time gets limited, and you don’t get as much writing done as you want.  Which has happened a lot to me over the last few weeks- hance the latest update being now, and hance the fact some of you who are waiting for my stories for them have to wait a little longer.  I apologise for the delay, but I only have 24 hours in the day…


So what can I offer today?  Well, let’s start with some retro family counselling

An episode of In Their Own Words with a twist…

Adam and Eve help with a settlementsettlement

The Games Players call on someone special…

The Men in Black call – and they are gentlemen…

What happened to the Ladies who Lunch

Beauty and the Best help a visit in their own style

And we ask What If there were Fifties family raids


I will be back, as also God Willing, in two weeks.  Until then, I remain,



LATE UPDATE: The latest Croonford Detective story from Amanda Lu...

Thursday, 2 May 2024

May the Fourth be with you

 on Saturday.  For now, what do we have for your edification and amusement?

Attend firstly the tale of Christyne and Suzie...

Jay and Mrs McPhee tell a Bedtime Story...

What happens when you Take Three Dolls...

The Games Players share in the Party Fun...

What happened This Week...

Beauty and the Best spend time with two Mothers...

A story of Moving Day...

And finally, we show you How to Rob a Special Party...

I will be back, as always God Willing, around the 15th of May.  Until then, I remain,


Thursday, 11 April 2024

A little late

 but here is the first update of April - expect another next week.


So first up, we have A new edition of In Their OwnWords from a different viewpoint…

Beauty and the Best receive an offer

The Games Player has a visit to Biker Chix

Join in on Vicky’s Day

Hear how they ended up Bound in the Bedroom in the Fifties…

And finally for now, we go Back to Black


I will be back, as always God Willing, in about a week.  Until then, I remain.



Saturday, 16 March 2024

That was the Ides of March

 and this is our newly regular update.

Starting with some family visits, as the Games Players spend a Long Weekend...

Beauty and the Best host Saturday Morning Pictures...

And Jay Edwards and Mrs McPhee are guests for a Long Night...

Then we have some Mature Requests fulfilled...

The Gentlemen Robbers interrutpt Home Working...

Witness the Testing of Tonya Travers...

What happens On The Street Where You Live...

And the latest Croonford Detectives story...

I will be back, as always God Willing, on or around the 1st of April.  Until then, i remain, 


Friday, 1 March 2024

Happy St David's Day

 And first, I know, I know - I say I update on the 1st and the 15th, and then I miss the 15th...  Sorry...

Let me make it up to you first with a new Detective Case from Amanda Lu...

The Female Games Player makes a Home Visit...

Some memories from The Burglar's Couch...

John Jacobs advises some friends and clients...

We show you How to Rob a Brokerage...

And finally, Manners Maketh Gentlemen...

I will be back, as always God Willing, on the 15th, but until then, I remain,


Thursday, 1 February 2024

Going into 2024...

 I need to establish a new plan for updating the site this year, given family and work pressures, so wherever possible I will update on the 1st and the 15th of each month - starting now.

So we begin with catching up with the Pussycats and associates in Whatever Happened To...

The latest Croonford Detectives Case from Amanda Lu...

Christyne visits her family in Blue Jeans - and meets Beauty and the Best...

The Selfie Snatcher moves up...

Some people reflect on what makes a Perfect 10...

And the WABAC Machine looks into a Family Business...

As I say, and as always God Willing, I will be back on the 15th, when love will play a part.  Until then, I remain,


Friday, 12 January 2024

So here's the deal

 Over the Holiday period, a close member of my family had a Cardiac Arrest, and that has taken virtually all of my attention for the last month.  As a result, my writign has been - sparodic - so i have three new tales for you today, and I hope to start building up again over the next few weeks.

So enjoy the tale of Jay The Diplomat, An edition of Behind The Mask, and some Mature Reflections.

Also, keep an eye on my Twitter account - advance notice of some stories will appear there.

I will be back, as always God willing, on the 26th.  Until then, I remain,